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Miranda Zoom


Released on iOS, Android, MacOS, and PC



Adventure Academy is an MMO for Middle Schoolers. They go on quests, and some of these quests are learning games. I was asked to create a team called GSDK to build these games. This is a steam punk inspired visual story book with some animation. The theme was cracking cyphers as a secret agent, while we were really teaching prefixes and postfixes by appending or prepending the correct choice.

I created about 5 small cross-functional teams. We used a hybrid unique Kanban method that tracked only major stages, as they were smallish games and stages could be met within 1 or 2 sprints. I gave the teams a lot of autonomy with stand-ups and check-ins, but mostly tracked the stages concept/prototype/alpha/beta/final. The teams really liked the freedom, enjoyed that they could make any call with their team to get to the next stage quickly.

It was a good model, all teams enjoyed it. and they generated game content very fast.

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